SPUD by arovia

Project Description

This was a solo animation which i was asked to do while interning with Amerra for one of their clients. The company, Arovia, had just created and designed this invention and they needed to visually display their products features and capabilities. This was an exciting opportunity as i was able to participate in every aspect of this animations conception.

I first met with the creators to determine the problems they need to solve. Together we came up with a story board that would clearly distill their core technology and value proposition at a level customers could understand.

Once the story board was taken care of, the rest from production, and post production was up to me. I used a 3D model of the shell of their product to begin, although modifications were needed as they only had an older version of the product. I used drafts of their products design to create the integral assets necessary to the expansion and collapse effect possible. Textures were made both in photoshop and maya.

In post production i used after effects to compose the animation with the final effects and text descriptions. Then the final video was taken into premier to make sure the music and voice over fit the animation accurately.

For more information about SPUD, visit: https://www.arovia.com/

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View site at time of completion: